Does Sleep Help Repair Skin?

It seems that the more you learn about sleep, the more there is to like. Countless health benefits come along with getting more rest, not to mention the overall benefit of simply feeling better from day to day. But do those benefits include any advantages for your skin? It would be great if you could repair your skin just by getting more rest, but it’s necessary to take a closer look at that possibility.

In addition to sleeping more, you’ll want to work with the best medspa Greensboro NC has to offer to care for your skin. The Curated Aesthetic has the area’s leading Botox injector, but that’s just the start of the list of services that are available from this talented team. Call today to learn more.

Sleep is Great for Your Skin

You can think of what your body is doing while you sleep as recovering. Basically, everything in your system is restoring itself while you rest, and that certainly includes your skin. While you are deep in a sleep, blood flow to the skin is increased, meaning it can repair itself. Also, your body will produce more collagen and elastin while asleep than while you are awake, and both of those proteins help to keep your skin firm and smooth.

Getting more sleep is something that you will see the benefits of gradually over time. After one single night of great sleep, you might not notice much difference in your skin at all. However, if you get into a good habit of resting deeply for long enough night after night, the difference in the long run can be dramatic.

How a Lack of Sleep Impacts Skin Quality

Everything stated above about the positives of getting plenty of sleep can be turned around and looked at in the other direction. When you aren’t getting enough sleep, your skin is sure to suffer – you’ll likely experience puffiness, a dull tone to the skin, dark circles, and an appearance that simply looks “tired”. If you maintain a habit of poor sleep over an extended time, you’ll also be speeding up the aging of your skin as compared to someone who was sleeping more consistently.

Making Sleep a Priority

There is no way around the importance of sleep, but getting plenty of it doesn’t happen by accident. If you are going to get more sleep, both to improve your skin and to improve your health as a whole, you’ll need to make it a priority and make the time in your schedule to make it happen. Even by just getting to bed a bit earlier each night and creating conditions in your room that are suitable for sleeping, you can do your skin and your whole body a big favor.

Are you looking for filler in Greensboro to look more rested, refreshed and vibrant? No matter what type of treatment you would like to explore, the friendly team at The Curated Aesthetic is the right partner. Take a moment today to learn more about the available services and get started with whatever is the best fit for your needs.

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